Grade Four Social Studies
Students will develop an understanding and knowledge of three general units: Alberta: A Sense of the Land, The Stories, Histories & Peoples of Alberta, and Alberta’s Celebrations and Challenges.
The Stories/Histories & Peoples of Alberta
Canada's Diversity
Canada is known for its great diversity and this animated rap, calls attention to all the different religions and nationalities that make up our great country.
Canada's Diversity
Canada is known for its great diversity and this animated rap, calls attention to all the different religions and nationalities that make up our great country.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity, recognize the history of the French language and the vitality of Francophone communities as integral parts of Alberta’s heritage, recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- Have students make a rap about the diversity and uniqueness of their class - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing, captioned by creator (dependent on student reading abilities)
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
How to Pow Wow
A short video on CBC kids about "Cottonball," the puppet that learns about the history of Pow Wows - what they are, who can attend, and the significance behind them
A short video on CBC kids about "Cottonball," the puppet that learns about the history of Pow Wows - what they are, who can attend, and the significance behind them
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Discuss what a Pow Wow is and what happens
- Discuss how Pow Wows can bring a communities together - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Indigenous History Month
Celebrate National Indigenous History Month with a rap about Indigenous change-makers Jeremy Dutcher, Dr. Stanley Vollant, Jesse Cockney, and Alanis Obomsawin. The term Indigenous represents First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
Celebrate National Indigenous History Month with a rap about Indigenous change-makers Jeremy Dutcher, Dr. Stanley Vollant, Jesse Cockney, and Alanis Obomsawin. The term Indigenous represents First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Use as a way to learn more about the Indigenous peoples of Canada, more resources here - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
The word Indigenous - explained
Indigenous people are the first people to live in a place. In Canada, Indigenous people belong to a number of different communities or nations. CBC Kids News’s Sid and Ruby explain.
Indigenous people are the first people to live in a place. In Canada, Indigenous people belong to a number of different communities or nations. CBC Kids News’s Sid and Ruby explain.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Use as a way to learn more about the Indigenous peoples of Canada, more resources here - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Today's Thing: Fancy Shawl Dancing
Niimin shows Janaye some Fancy Shawl Dancing footwork, and shows off her skills in Studio K.
Niimin shows Janaye some Fancy Shawl Dancing footwork, and shows off her skills in Studio K.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history, peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Use as a way to learn more about the Indigenous peoples of Canada, more resources here - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Today's Thing: Hoop Dancing
Janaye learns about Hoop Dancing from Emilee Ann.
Janaye learns about Hoop Dancing from Emilee Ann.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Use as a way to learn more about the Indigenous peoples of Canada, more resources here - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Cottonball Learns about Throat Singing
Learn about Throat Singing.
Learn about Throat Singing.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Use as a way to learn more about the Indigenous peoples of Canada, more resources here - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Phyllis Webstad Orange Shirt Day Presentation
Orange Shirt Day is an annual event held each September 30th in remembrance of the Canadian Residential School system and the impact of this government policy on First Nations. Phyllis Webstad presents her memories of Residential schools and the meaning of Orange Shirt Day.
Orange Shirt Day is an annual event held each September 30th in remembrance of the Canadian Residential School system and the impact of this government policy on First Nations. Phyllis Webstad presents her memories of Residential schools and the meaning of Orange Shirt Day.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how stories of people and events provide multiple perspectives on past and present events, recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- This video can be used as an introduction video to Orange Shirt Day
- Discuss what impacts residential school had on Phyllis and her family
- Can also pair this with a book that discusses the impact of residential schools (ie. Phyllis' Orange Shirt, Shi-Shi Etko, Stolen Words) - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
The Friends of Kwan Ming
After his father’s death, Kwan Ming is forced to leave China to find work to provide for his mother. He makes new friends on his voyage, but none of them can find jobs. When the work does come, Kwan Ming cedes the best jobs to his friends and gets stuck with the worst one, but he soon learns that generosity and loyalty pay off. This film exposes kids to the immigrant experience; teaches the value of friendship, loyalty and hard work; and has just the right amount of magical realism thrown in for fun.
After his father’s death, Kwan Ming is forced to leave China to find work to provide for his mother. He makes new friends on his voyage, but none of them can find jobs. When the work does come, Kwan Ming cedes the best jobs to his friends and gets stuck with the worst one, but he soon learns that generosity and loyalty pay off. This film exposes kids to the immigrant experience; teaches the value of friendship, loyalty and hard work; and has just the right amount of magical realism thrown in for fun.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- Discuss what happens when people choose to leave their home country
- What kinds of challenges did the characters face? How did they stay connected to their culture? How do people find community when they come over to a new country?
- Students can use this to explore various groups of people who have immigrated to Alberta - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Jaime Lo, Small And Shy
This film has a lot to teach about sacrifice and the fact that we never know what’s going on in someone else’s life. Jaime Lo is a shy and quiet young girl from Hong Kong who lives in Canada. Now, Jaime’s father must return to Hong Kong to seek work and is gone for many months. This is the first time their family has split up, and it’s a sacrifice that Jaime’s father must make to provide a better life for his children. As Jaime comes to understand this, she expresses her gratitude in the most touching way.
This film has a lot to teach about sacrifice and the fact that we never know what’s going on in someone else’s life. Jaime Lo is a shy and quiet young girl from Hong Kong who lives in Canada. Now, Jaime’s father must return to Hong Kong to seek work and is gone for many months. This is the first time their family has split up, and it’s a sacrifice that Jaime’s father must make to provide a better life for his children. As Jaime comes to understand this, she expresses her gratitude in the most touching way.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- Group discussions about community, family, immigration, equity
- Gratitude writing/art work focused on showing thanks to those who've made sacrifices to take care of us - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
An animated stop motion true story of a young Syrian boy’s experience in coming to Canada starring Alaa Khalaf.
An animated stop motion true story of a young Syrian boy’s experience in coming to Canada starring Alaa Khalaf.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- Discuss why people immigrate to Canada, and how this impacts the people who come here. The following questions can be used to guide discussions:
- What does refugee mean? Why have refugees left their country and come to Canada?
- What does it mean to start over? How does a person or a family start over in a new place? - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Alberta's Celebrations & Challenges
This animated short tells the story of Seraphim "Joe" Fortes, one of Vancouver's most beloved citizens. Born in the West Indies, Joe Fortes swam in English Bay for more than 30 years. A self-appointed lifeguard at first, he became so famous that the city of Vancouver finally rewarded him with a salary for doing what he loved best. He taught thousands of people to swim and saved over a hundred lives. Yet there were some who did not respect him because of his skin colour. Through his determination, kindness and love for children, Joe helped shift attitudes.
This animated short tells the story of Seraphim "Joe" Fortes, one of Vancouver's most beloved citizens. Born in the West Indies, Joe Fortes swam in English Bay for more than 30 years. A self-appointed lifeguard at first, he became so famous that the city of Vancouver finally rewarded him with a salary for doing what he loved best. He taught thousands of people to swim and saved over a hundred lives. Yet there were some who did not respect him because of his skin colour. Through his determination, kindness and love for children, Joe helped shift attitudes.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discuss how Joe impacted the lives of people in Vancouver
- How does Joe's legacy live on by highlighting his achievements and impact on the community?
- How did the Grandma treat Joe and how did her view of Joe change over time? - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing, captioned by creator (dependent on student reading abilities)
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
If the World Were a Village of 100 People: A Story About the World's People
Animated video using a 100-person village as an analogy for the different continents in the world.
Animated video using a 100-person village as an analogy for the different continents in the world.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Like the Village of 100, classrooms are culturally diverse, this can be used to identify how many cultures are housed in your classroom
- Take a map and have strings connecting students from different places around the world to your hometown
- Create a class poster of the different ways to say hello in different languages or of the different languages and places your class comes from - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing, captioned by creator (dependent on student reading abilities)
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
The Magic Quilt
In this short film, which mixes live action with cutout and embroidery animation, a group of children finds a magic quilt that is their passport to a voyage of discovery. They step inside the quilt and as they travel through its velvet farmlands and satin cities, they experience the multiculturalism of Canada. The quilt is torn and the magic broken when a quarrel breaks out. Once the quilt is repaired and harmony restored, the children have learned that patience and goodwill are needed to mend and maintain quilts, friendships, and nations.
In this short film, which mixes live action with cutout and embroidery animation, a group of children finds a magic quilt that is their passport to a voyage of discovery. They step inside the quilt and as they travel through its velvet farmlands and satin cities, they experience the multiculturalism of Canada. The quilt is torn and the magic broken when a quarrel breaks out. Once the quilt is repaired and harmony restored, the children have learned that patience and goodwill are needed to mend and maintain quilts, friendships, and nations.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion on what multiculturalism looks like in Canada and in the classroom - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing, captioned by creator (dependent on student reading abilities)
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Scared of the Man Sitting Next to Me
Shir Levi is an amazing, dynamic, and soulful YouTuber and storyteller who lives in Israel and who, on her channel, tries to share everything she learns on her journey through life. Shir remembers so clearly, when she was twelve years old, watching the live television broadcast of the planes flying into the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 (9/11). Those terrible moments had such an impact on her, planting such fear and uncertainty inside of her, haunting her. And she remembers the stories in the newspapers that came out after 9/11, with pictures of the suspected terrorists.
Shir Levi is an amazing, dynamic, and soulful YouTuber and storyteller who lives in Israel and who, on her channel, tries to share everything she learns on her journey through life. Shir remembers so clearly, when she was twelve years old, watching the live television broadcast of the planes flying into the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 (9/11). Those terrible moments had such an impact on her, planting such fear and uncertainty inside of her, haunting her. And she remembers the stories in the newspapers that came out after 9/11, with pictures of the suspected terrorists.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discuss how big world events can change people's view on different cultural groups in society. What happens when we let fear guide our perceptions of people instead of truly getting to know them?
- What did Shir Levi learn in this video?
- This video can also be used to discuss how our internal biases are influenced not just by the people around us but by the events that occur in our world, and how people react to these events. What does this affect groups of people that are affected by these judgements? - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
My Friends Made Hateful Jokes Because I Was Jewish
Growing up Cian was always the "different" kid. The reason he was so unique was that he was the only Jewish kid living in an almost totally Christian town. There were only three Jews in the entire middle school of six hundred students. That's about zero point three percent. Of course, everyone knew that Cian was Jewish, and most everyone was totally cool with it, even if they didn't really understand it. He had lots of friends and a whole group of best friends in his class, but there were those kids, and those times, when he was the on the receiving end of some really insulting and awful anti-semitic jokes, Holocaust jokes and worse.
Growing up Cian was always the "different" kid. The reason he was so unique was that he was the only Jewish kid living in an almost totally Christian town. There were only three Jews in the entire middle school of six hundred students. That's about zero point three percent. Of course, everyone knew that Cian was Jewish, and most everyone was totally cool with it, even if they didn't really understand it. He had lots of friends and a whole group of best friends in his class, but there were those kids, and those times, when he was the on the receiving end of some really insulting and awful anti-semitic jokes, Holocaust jokes and worse.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Way to discuss how racial slurs are harmful to people who are targeted and how serious the consequences can be
- Discuss the importance of standing up when kids see racist behaviour. It makes racism visible and helps people understand what's unacceptable behaviour - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Disrespected for Wearing a Hijab
It is hard and scary enough to start at a new school, and even harder when you're just entering high school, but for Ammaarah it was tougher still - she was the only girl in her school who wore a hijab. She was scared, and nervous, and really felt like she stood out - just different - and she was afraid that people would question her, or look at her strangely. But, to her surprise and delight, they didn't. Everyone seemed to accept her, and she started to feel comfortable.
It is hard and scary enough to start at a new school, and even harder when you're just entering high school, but for Ammaarah it was tougher still - she was the only girl in her school who wore a hijab. She was scared, and nervous, and really felt like she stood out - just different - and she was afraid that people would question her, or look at her strangely. But, to her surprise and delight, they didn't. Everyone seemed to accept her, and she started to feel comfortable.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion on the importance of the hijab for Muslims
- This can help lead a discussion on racial bullying, and how the girl was targeted for being Muslim. How did this girl feel when she was being bullied? How can students stand up for each other?
- Use this video to teach children how important it is to be respectful of people's cultural and religious beliefs - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Uncomfortable with My Skin Color
Ever since Sydney was a little girl she felt uncomfortable in her own skin. All the tv shows and magazines she saw showed people with white and brown and light black skin, but none of them showed people that looked like her, that had dark black skin. She was made fun of and teased (and even bullied) about the color of her skin by classmates at school, by friends, at the beauty salon, and even by her own family. The called her names and made her feel different than everyone else, even though, of course, inside she was just the same.
Ever since Sydney was a little girl she felt uncomfortable in her own skin. All the tv shows and magazines she saw showed people with white and brown and light black skin, but none of them showed people that looked like her, that had dark black skin. She was made fun of and teased (and even bullied) about the color of her skin by classmates at school, by friends, at the beauty salon, and even by her own family. The called her names and made her feel different than everyone else, even though, of course, inside she was just the same.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Open up discussions on colourism (which is the idea that darker skin isn't valued as highly as lighter skin. In various cultures, this can be seen in the beauty industry and even the types of opportunities that are available to them). How does it feel to be judged by your skin tone?
- How does judging someone by a person's skin tone not only impact their self esteem but also our perceptions of groups of people? - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Minoru: Memory of Exile
The bombing of the American naval base at Pearl Harbor thrust 9-year-old Minoru Fukushima into a world of racism so malevolent he would be forced to leave Canada, the land of his birth. Like thousands of other Japanese Canadians, Minoru and his family were branded as an enemy of Canada, dispatched to internment camps in British Columbia and finally deported to Japan. Directed by Michael Fukushima, Minoru's son, the film combines classical animation with archival material. The memories of the father are interspersed with the voice of the son, weaving a tale of a birthright lost and recovered.
The bombing of the American naval base at Pearl Harbor thrust 9-year-old Minoru Fukushima into a world of racism so malevolent he would be forced to leave Canada, the land of his birth. Like thousands of other Japanese Canadians, Minoru and his family were branded as an enemy of Canada, dispatched to internment camps in British Columbia and finally deported to Japan. Directed by Michael Fukushima, Minoru's son, the film combines classical animation with archival material. The memories of the father are interspersed with the voice of the son, weaving a tale of a birthright lost and recovered.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Pre-teaching would be required on World War II to provide historical context - Accessibility:
- Accessible for hard of hearing and nonverbal
- Closed captioning available on video
- No descriptive captioning for visually impaired students
The History of Braids & Bans on Black Hair
Braids and other traditionally Black hairstyles have been banned in the military, schools, and the workplace — but they're also championed as a symbol of celebration. Here's a look at the history of Black hairstyles and the evolution of the natural hair movement in America.
Braids and other traditionally Black hairstyles have been banned in the military, schools, and the workplace — but they're also championed as a symbol of celebration. Here's a look at the history of Black hairstyles and the evolution of the natural hair movement in America.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion on the connection between hair and identity
- Journal reflection: How does our appearance reflect our identity?
- Can be used alongside book/short film "Hair Love" by Matthew A. Cherry - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Namwayut: we are all one. Truth and reconciliation in Canada
Chief Robert Joseph shares his experience as a residential school survivor and the importance of truth and reconciliation in Canada.
Chief Robert Joseph shares his experience as a residential school survivor and the importance of truth and reconciliation in Canada.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Supplementary to talking about Truth and Reconciliation
- Can use as an introduction, or as one perspective of Residential Schools - Accessibility:
- Auto-generated captions
Nine-year-old Veronica Makarewicz leads a double life. Born of Polish parents, she dances Polish dances, goes twice weekly to a Polish school, and talks to Polish customers in her parents' bakery. But this film shows that she is also very Canadian.
Nine-year-old Veronica Makarewicz leads a double life. Born of Polish parents, she dances Polish dances, goes twice weekly to a Polish school, and talks to Polish customers in her parents' bakery. But this film shows that she is also very Canadian.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion on having a bicultural identity and how it differs for each person - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
From Far Away
Growing up in Canada, it’s hard to imagine what life is like in a war-torn country. Adjusting to a new home is a Herculean feat, especially when you don’t speak the language. Meet Saoussan, a seven-year-old girl from Beirut who is doing just that since moving to Canada in search of a safer life. This is a film that will open kids’ eyes to different realities and encourage them to be kind to others.
Growing up in Canada, it’s hard to imagine what life is like in a war-torn country. Adjusting to a new home is a Herculean feat, especially when you don’t speak the language. Meet Saoussan, a seven-year-old girl from Beirut who is doing just that since moving to Canada in search of a safer life. This is a film that will open kids’ eyes to different realities and encourage them to be kind to others.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.3 Examine critically Alberta's changing cultural and social dynamics: How has multiculturalism in Alberta evolved over time? How does living in a particular community, region or province help shape individual and collective identity? - Suggested use:
- Group discussion around values of multiculturalism, diversity, respect, identity
- Introduction to concept of immigration, resettlement
- Visual journal/writing prompt around concepts of home, family, community
- Write about what a newcomer or yourself might feel/need/want to feel safe, welcome, and included in their new home
- Compare differences and similarities of Canadian school/culture to various countries in the curriculum and where students are connected - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Nowruz: How 300 million people celebrate Persian New Year
About 300 million people across the world celebrate Persian New Year - or Nowruz.
About 300 million people across the world celebrate Persian New Year - or Nowruz.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Celebrate Nowruz and its traditions. Ideal to use this close to Nowruz (March 20) - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Eid Mubarak!
Eid Mubarak! Join Tony, Janaye and families from across the country as they celebrate Eid.
Eid Mubarak! Join Tony, Janaye and families from across the country as they celebrate Eid.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Celebrate Eid and its traditions, where the students talk about the importance of giving back to the less fortunate, make food and other widespread activities. Ideal to use this close to Eid (note: there are two Eid celebrations in a year, research to find out when this celebration takes place) - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Mela's Lunch
This short drama from the Playing Fair series recounts the shaky beginnings of a friendship between Allison and Mela, a girl who recently immigrated to Canada from India. Mela is trying hard to make friends and get used to her new surroundings, but Peter and other classmates make her feel unwelcome and out of place. Though Allison initially goes along with the group, the film shows that differences in skin colour and country of origin need not be an obstacle to friendship or self-esteem.
This short drama from the Playing Fair series recounts the shaky beginnings of a friendship between Allison and Mela, a girl who recently immigrated to Canada from India. Mela is trying hard to make friends and get used to her new surroundings, but Peter and other classmates make her feel unwelcome and out of place. Though Allison initially goes along with the group, the film shows that differences in skin colour and country of origin need not be an obstacle to friendship or self-esteem.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion about exclusion and inclusion
- Discussion about sensitivity towards others' cultures
- Discussion about assimilation
- Discussion about by-standing, and how silence is harmful and can be just as hurtful as bullying/ discrimination/racism - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Kwanzaa is an African-inspired holiday
Did you know that African-Canadians celebrate Kwanzaa every year, starting on Dec. 26? For seven days, they get together with their families, eat African food, dance, drum, and celebrate the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Even though the holiday is based on African traditions and culture, it’s not celebrated in Africa. It was invented by an American man from Kenya in the 1960s.
Did you know that African-Canadians celebrate Kwanzaa every year, starting on Dec. 26? For seven days, they get together with their families, eat African food, dance, drum, and celebrate the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Even though the holiday is based on African traditions and culture, it’s not celebrated in Africa. It was invented by an American man from Kenya in the 1960s.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Learn about Kwanzaa and its traditions. Ideal to use this close to Kwanzaa - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Molly of Denali
An action-adventure comedy that follows the adventures of feisty and resourceful 10-year-old Molly Mabray (Sovereign Bill), an Indigenous girl. Molly helps her mom and dad run the Denali Trading Post, a general store, bunkhouse, and transport hub. Each episode follows Molly, her dog Suki and her friends Tooey and Trini on their daily adventures, from fishing to building snow forts to delivering a camera to friends on a volcano via dog sled.
An action-adventure comedy that follows the adventures of feisty and resourceful 10-year-old Molly Mabray (Sovereign Bill), an Indigenous girl. Molly helps her mom and dad run the Denali Trading Post, a general store, bunkhouse, and transport hub. Each episode follows Molly, her dog Suki and her friends Tooey and Trini on their daily adventures, from fishing to building snow forts to delivering a camera to friends on a volcano via dog sled.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Have the students relate their life to Molly's
- Have students start a journal of words or customs they encounter in the video - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Hair Love
Cherry, tells the heartfelt story of an African American father learning to do his daughter’s hair for the first time.
Cherry, tells the heartfelt story of an African American father learning to do his daughter’s hair for the first time.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Prompt discussion about how everyone looks different and how it's important to love yourself the way you are because everyone is unique and that's great - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Kids Share Their Cultural Tradition
Five kids share cultural traditions from their heritage. Frankie shares a Filipino tradition. Nicolina talks about her Italian family. A girl from Turkey shares a Turkish nursery rhyme. A boy from Korea shows us how to perform a Korean New Years Bow. A boy from Kenya's Luo Tribe shares a traditional dish.
Five kids share cultural traditions from their heritage. Frankie shares a Filipino tradition. Nicolina talks about her Italian family. A girl from Turkey shares a Turkish nursery rhyme. A boy from Korea shows us how to perform a Korean New Years Bow. A boy from Kenya's Luo Tribe shares a traditional dish.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion about traditions learned from the video
- Can use as an idea to have students share their own cultural traditions
- Use as an introduction to learn more about a culture's traditions - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Eid Celebration & Facts For Kids
Discover not just the significance of Eid, but also the joy of giving, that is so strongly rooted in the tradition of this much-celebrated holiday.
Discover not just the significance of Eid, but also the joy of giving, that is so strongly rooted in the tradition of this much-celebrated holiday.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta:cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Celebrate Eid and its traditions, where the students talk about the importance of giving back to the less fortunate, make food and other widespread activities. Ideal to use this close to Eid (note: there are two Eid celebrations in a year, search on internet to find out when this celebration takes place) - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Chinese Spring Festival
春节 (chūn jié) - ‘Spring Festival’ is the Lunar New Year, and the most important Chinese holiday of the year. For Chinese people, 春节 (chūn jié) is a time for being with family.
春节 (chūn jié) - ‘Spring Festival’ is the Lunar New Year, and the most important Chinese holiday of the year. For Chinese people, 春节 (chūn jié) is a time for being with family.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta:cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion about Lunar New Year - observations (similarities and differences)
- Introduction to learning about the ways people from all over the world celebrate a new beginning
- Discussion about how students spend quality time with their family - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Roses Sing On New Snow
This beautifully animated film tells the story of Maylin, a young Chinese woman forced to cook in her father’s restaurant, only to have all the credit, and tips, given to her brothers. A woman’s place in society differs depending on your cultural background, and it may be an eye opener for some kids to see how Maylin is treated. When given her moment at the end, she stands up for herself and sets an example for every little girl — and boy — watching.
This beautifully animated film tells the story of Maylin, a young Chinese woman forced to cook in her father’s restaurant, only to have all the credit, and tips, given to her brothers. A woman’s place in society differs depending on your cultural background, and it may be an eye opener for some kids to see how Maylin is treated. When given her moment at the end, she stands up for herself and sets an example for every little girl — and boy — watching.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- Can use this as a gateway to discuss how Chinatowns have been hubs for Asian influences in Canadian cities
- Open up discussion to connect the importance of food and culture
- Open up discussions on Chinatown's history, particularly in larger cities like Calgary and Edmonton - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Chinese New Year, kids style
Chinese people around the world are ringing in the new year. Hear from some kids in Canada about how they celebrate the holiday.
Chinese people around the world are ringing in the new year. Hear from some kids in Canada about how they celebrate the holiday.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Celebrate Lunar New Year and its traditions, where the students clean the classroom, make food and other widespread activities. Ideal to use this close to Lunar New Year. Also keep in mind that several Asian countries celebrate this holiday and they refer to it as Lunar New Year - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
The Chinese Violin
In this animated short, a young girl and her father move from China to Canada, bringing only their Chinese violin along for the journey. As they face the challenge of starting fresh in a new place, the music of the violin connects them to the life they left behind and guides the girl towards a musical future.
In this animated short, a young girl and her father move from China to Canada, bringing only their Chinese violin along for the journey. As they face the challenge of starting fresh in a new place, the music of the violin connects them to the life they left behind and guides the girl towards a musical future.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- This would be a great way to connect to the Music curriculum and analyzing the sounds and structure of the Chinese Violin
- Discussion about music as a language and how it transcends barriers - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
How Chinese People Celebrate Chinese New Year
Spring Festival is the Lunar New Year, and the most important Chinese holiday of the year. For Chinese people, it is a time for being with family.
Spring Festival is the Lunar New Year, and the most important Chinese holiday of the year. For Chinese people, it is a time for being with family.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Celebrate Lunar New Year and its traditions, where the students clean the classroom, make food and other widespread activities. Ideal to use this close to celebration - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Hanukkah Dos and Don'ts
Who knew there were rules for Hanukkah?
Who knew there were rules for Hanukkah?
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Celebrate Hanukkah and its traditions. Ideal to use this close to Hanukkah - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
What is Ramadan - The Islamic Holy Month
Young Muslims across are fasting between sunrise and sunset during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
Young Muslims across are fasting between sunrise and sunset during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion on various cultural celebrations that are celebrated in the classroom
- What is the significance of Ramadan? How does it reflect the values and beliefs of Muslims?
- Can be used as a starting point to further learn about Islam traditions and customs - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Who am I? What's on my Head?
An animated video focused on spreading knowledge about Sikhism and the turban. This video is kid friendly.
An animated video focused on spreading knowledge about Sikhism and the turban. This video is kid friendly.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Use as a hook to talk about what makes us all unique and special
- Can also be used to introduce symbolism/significance in religion - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
- Manual transcription available
Lights For Gita
Every culture comes with celebrations and rituals, and this film teaches all about the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali, while also showing how hard change can be. Gita is anxious to celebrate Diwali in her new Canadian home and invites her friends to light the diya and see the fireworks. But her plans are thwarted by an ice storm and she is left longing for her celebrations back home. Through her story, kids will see what it’s like to leave behind everything you know and love, but still create new traditions that are just as meaningful.
Every culture comes with celebrations and rituals, and this film teaches all about the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali, while also showing how hard change can be. Gita is anxious to celebrate Diwali in her new Canadian home and invites her friends to light the diya and see the fireworks. But her plans are thwarted by an ice storm and she is left longing for her celebrations back home. Through her story, kids will see what it’s like to leave behind everything you know and love, but still create new traditions that are just as meaningful.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion prompt on traditions and community/family
- Make your own light art for Diwali
- Further learning about Diwali and Indian culture/traditions - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Being Different is Beautiful
Animated video that outlines the differences and similarities between people from diverse cultures.
Animated video that outlines the differences and similarities between people from diverse cultures.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Start a discussion on what makes us unique. Can also discuss the section where they acknowledge students who walk, move in wheelchairs, or use guide dogs to help them get around. People live their lives differently and we need to acknowledge these differences are beautiful
- Use to create a puzzle project focused on a student's identity. Each student is given a puzzle and they fill in the different parts of themselves that make them unique - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
The Sandwich Swap
Animated video about two friends from different cultures who eat different foods.
Animated video about two friends from different cultures who eat different foods.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discuss the importance of food in different cultures. What happens when we are closed off to trying other people's food and what happens when we are open to learning about other's people's food ad culture? How does that make people feel when we reject learning about their culture? What can this lead to when we don't learn to be open about other people's cultures? - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Standing Up to a Racist Bully
In this story, Sapphire shares the torment she went through when a school bully wouldn't leave her alone. She hated school because of it. It made friends and class time unbearable. He bullied her because of her skin color. He was a racist and picked on her for days. His bullying bothered her so much that she tried to change herself, make herself look different, disguise herself.
In this story, Sapphire shares the torment she went through when a school bully wouldn't leave her alone. She hated school because of it. It made friends and class time unbearable. He bullied her because of her skin color. He was a racist and picked on her for days. His bullying bothered her so much that she tried to change herself, make herself look different, disguise herself.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discuss what racial bullying is. How is racial bullying different from bullying? Explain how racial bullying is very serious as this targets part of a person's core identity
- How did Sapphire learn to stand up to a bully?
- Can be used for bullying awareness - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
What Is Systemic Racism: Incarceration
Did you know that back in the 80s there were less than half a million people in the US prison system, but now, thanks to the war on drugs, there are more than 2 million? That out of every 100,000 Americans about 700 are incarcerated, but out of every 100,000 Black men over 4,000 are incarcerated? And one of the many effects of that trend is that combined with felony disenfranchisement laws, it means 13% of Black American men are denied their right to vote?
Did you know that back in the 80s there were less than half a million people in the US prison system, but now, thanks to the war on drugs, there are more than 2 million? That out of every 100,000 Americans about 700 are incarcerated, but out of every 100,000 Black men over 4,000 are incarcerated? And one of the many effects of that trend is that combined with felony disenfranchisement laws, it means 13% of Black American men are denied their right to vote?
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.3 Examine critically Alberta's changing cultural and social dynamics: In what ways has Alberta changed demographically since 1905 (i.e., population distribution in rural and urban areas, arrival of diverse ethnic groups, languages spoken)? - Suggested use:
- Can use this as a comparison to incarceration rates in Canada. Can use as an entry point to do research on Canadian stats - Accessibility:
- Transcription available
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
Traditional Clothes in Indian Culture
India is known across the globe for its diversity and variety, especially in language, food and clothing. This video brings to you an interesting story on Indian culture, helping kids understand the different types of Indian traditional clothes.
India is known across the globe for its diversity and variety, especially in language, food and clothing. This video brings to you an interesting story on Indian culture, helping kids understand the different types of Indian traditional clothes.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discussion about Indian culture and ways of life
- Can use as an entry point to doing research on traditional garments of students' cultures
- Discussion on how students see Indian culture integrating into Canada's multiculturalism - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Closed captioning available
- No descriptive captioning available for visually impaired students
The Stories/Histories & Peoples of Alberta
First Nations, Métis and Inuit history, culture, and heritage
Two lesson plans and handouts with research, posters, a newspaper, and a storytelling activity.
First Nations, Métis and Inuit history, culture, and heritage
Two lesson plans and handouts with research, posters, a newspaper, and a storytelling activity.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Website has details on how to use - Accessibility:
- Accommodations required for nonverbal, hard of hearing, and visually impaired
Alberta’s Celebrations and Challenges
Activities that Promote Racial and Cultural Awareness
Children develop their identity and attitudes through experiences with their bodies, social environments, and their cognitive developmental stages (Derman-Sparks, 1989). As these three factors interact, young children progress through certain stages of racial and cultural awareness. This resources lists the stages of racial awareness in children, and several classroom activities they can engage in.
Activities that Promote Racial and Cultural Awareness
Children develop their identity and attitudes through experiences with their bodies, social environments, and their cognitive developmental stages (Derman-Sparks, 1989). As these three factors interact, young children progress through certain stages of racial and cultural awareness. This resources lists the stages of racial awareness in children, and several classroom activities they can engage in.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Website has details on how to use - Accessibility:
- Accessible for hard of hearing, nonverbal; some accommodations required
Multicultural Game from Africa and Asia: Mancala
Mancala is a multicultural game that has been around for centuries. Forms of this game were played in ancient Africa and Asia. There are many different names, boards and rules of play for Mancala, but most are played on wooden boards with beads, stones or glass game pieces. Children in Africa would play by scooping holes in the dirt to create a game board. Refer to website for full game-play instructions.
Mancala is a multicultural game that has been around for centuries. Forms of this game were played in ancient Africa and Asia. There are many different names, boards and rules of play for Mancala, but most are played on wooden boards with beads, stones or glass game pieces. Children in Africa would play by scooping holes in the dirt to create a game board. Refer to website for full game-play instructions.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Learn about Mancala and create DIY Mancala board
- Can incorporate math; practicing counting - Accessibility:
- Accessible for hard of hearing, and nonverbal
Lantern Festival
The Chinese New Year ends with the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the celebration. Some of the lanterns may be works of art, painted with birds, animals, flowers, zodiac signs, and scenes from legend and history. People hang glowing lanterns in temples, and carry lanterns to an evening parade under the light of the full moon.
The Chinese New Year ends with the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the celebration. Some of the lanterns may be works of art, painted with birds, animals, flowers, zodiac signs, and scenes from legend and history. People hang glowing lanterns in temples, and carry lanterns to an evening parade under the light of the full moon.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Website has various craft activities revolving around Lunar New Year - Accessibility:
- Accessible for hard of hearing, and nonverbal
Multicultural Food Day
Serve a menu of international foods at your multicultural night. Have the affair catered, or ask parents, administrators, teachers and other personnel to make dishes from a specific culture. To celebrate Mexican culture, make tacos, enchiladas and fajitas. For Italian culture, serve different types of pasta. To pay tribute to Jamaican culture, serve fried plantains and aki and saltfish etc. Each culture has its own type of food, and serving samples of these different types of food can help guests expand their palates and perhaps taste food that they may have never tried.
Serve a menu of international foods at your multicultural night. Have the affair catered, or ask parents, administrators, teachers and other personnel to make dishes from a specific culture. To celebrate Mexican culture, make tacos, enchiladas and fajitas. For Italian culture, serve different types of pasta. To pay tribute to Jamaican culture, serve fried plantains and aki and saltfish etc. Each culture has its own type of food, and serving samples of these different types of food can help guests expand their palates and perhaps taste food that they may have never tried.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Website has details on how to use. Ensure you are aware of students dietary restrictions and accommodate to their needs (there should be options that cater to their needs) - Accessibility:
- Accessible for hard of hearing, visually impaired, and nonverbal
Multicultural Game from Thailand: Takraw
Website contains a brief description of the game as well as a video on what the game looks like in action.
Website contains a brief description of the game as well as a video on what the game looks like in action.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Use to study how different cultures view problem solving through games and sports
- Use to learn about cooperation in different cultural games
- Use to learn about the ways that different cultures have fun - Accessibility:
- Accessible for hard of hearing, and nonverbal
Puppet Show
Students design, create and perform a puppet show to teach others about a diversity, anti-bias or social justice theme from the central text.
Students design, create and perform a puppet show to teach others about a diversity, anti-bias or social justice theme from the central text.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Create storyline about different groups of Albertans who came here and how they impacted Alberta
- Accessible for hard of hearing, nonverbal presentation requires accommodation
Peer Tutoring Activity
Can be used with buddies. The grade 4 students can study a variety of world cultures, then design and facilitate presentations and activities for the younger students during such observations as Asian New Years, Cinco de Mayo, and Earth Day. The younger grade can learn numbers and basic greetings in several languages and teach these to the older students. As they progress through their project, all the students involved can develop and maintain a resource file. They can stored copies of their research, activity plans, and contacts from which community members can draw.
Can be used with buddies. The grade 4 students can study a variety of world cultures, then design and facilitate presentations and activities for the younger students during such observations as Asian New Years, Cinco de Mayo, and Earth Day. The younger grade can learn numbers and basic greetings in several languages and teach these to the older students. As they progress through their project, all the students involved can develop and maintain a resource file. They can stored copies of their research, activity plans, and contacts from which community members can draw.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Includes suggested ideas to promote multiculturalism - Accessibility:
- Accessible for hard of hearing, visually impaired, and nonverbal (individual activities will require accommodations for students ability)
Artistic Expression Showcase
Students produce original art (visual art, music, drama or poetry) that conveys an anti-bias or social justice message. Students then plan a public showcase of their work.
Students produce original art (visual art, music, drama or poetry) that conveys an anti-bias or social justice message. Students then plan a public showcase of their work.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Discuss what anti-bias is and create an art piece to depict their own expression of what social justice means to them - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
Multicultural Activity Guide
Website contains link to PDF of multicultural activity guide, which includes a variety of activities from various countries to promote multiculturalism.
Website contains link to PDF of multicultural activity guide, which includes a variety of activities from various countries to promote multiculturalism.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Website has details on how to use - Accessibility:
- Additional accommodations may be required for nonverbal, hard of hearing, and visually impaired, dependent on activity
The Stories/Histories & Peoples of Alberta
What is Orange Shirt Day?
Orange Shirt Day (September 30th) is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and learn more about the history of those schools.
What is Orange Shirt Day?
Orange Shirt Day (September 30th) is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and learn more about the history of those schools.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- Print the article out and have students read the article in small groups
- This article can lead to helping students understand the importance of Orange Shirt Day. Taking a piece of chart paper with the question "Why is Orange Shirt Day important?" students can write on sticky notes their reasons and you can have a whole class discussion based on the ideas they have given you - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
Diwali: Festival of Lights
Learn about India's biggest holiday of the year.
Learn about India's biggest holiday of the year.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- This article would be good to read as a class when Diwali is approaching
- Students can sketch note what Diwali is and how it is celebrated - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
Country Profiles
Profiles with fast facts and cultural information for countries across the world.
Profiles with fast facts and cultural information for countries across the world.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- Take a profile of the cultures in your classroom. This can be used to highlight a specific country each week
- At the beginning of the year to get to know one another, students can also pair up and learn about their partner's country - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
Where Can I Learn More about Indigenous People in Canada?
This article provides introductory resources for children and youth to understand more about Indigenous Peoples in Canada. It includes links to books, games, and activities.
This article provides introductory resources for children and youth to understand more about Indigenous Peoples in Canada. It includes links to books, games, and activities.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Alberta’s culture and identity - Suggested use:
- This can be used to help you gather more resources on Indigenous Peoples
- The books and activities can be shared with your class - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
Holi: Festival of Colours
Bright neon powder covers revelers in northern India during the annual Hindu celebration called Holi, usually held in March. Known as the festival of colors, Holi is celebrated on the last full moon in the lunar month of Phalguna.
Bright neon powder covers revelers in northern India during the annual Hindu celebration called Holi, usually held in March. Known as the festival of colors, Holi is celebrated on the last full moon in the lunar month of Phalguna.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.2.1 Appreciate how an understanding of Alberta's history; peoples and stories contributes to their own sense of belonging and identity: recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities - Suggested use:
- This article is useful to read as a class when Holi is approaching. This short article can be used to help your students understand what Holi is
- Students can also do a picture walk to understand how Holi is celebrated - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
Alberta’s Celebrations and Challenges
Hero for All: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., never backed down in his stand against racism. Learn more about the life of this courageous hero who inspired millions of people to right a historical wrong.
Hero for All: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., never backed down in his stand against racism. Learn more about the life of this courageous hero who inspired millions of people to right a historical wrong.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- Students could complete a picture walk with the captions of Martin Luther King and discuss what each photo shows
- Once they've completed the photo walk, students can discuss what they had learned about Martin Luther King - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
It's Caribbean Carnival Time
The Toronto Caribbean Carnival is one of Canada’s largest celebrations of freedom and diversity. It showcases the very best of Canadian Caribbean culture and art. This article provides a brief overview of Carnival and how it's celebrated.
The Toronto Caribbean Carnival is one of Canada’s largest celebrations of freedom and diversity. It showcases the very best of Canadian Caribbean culture and art. This article provides a brief overview of Carnival and how it's celebrated.
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- This can be used to discuss the Canadian Caribbean culture and its creative ways of showcasing their culture - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students
Learn All About the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha
This article is about Eid al-Adha (say “EED al UDD-ha”) is a Muslim festival, which lasts for several days (it varies based on where you live).
This article is about Eid al-Adha (say “EED al UDD-ha”) is a Muslim festival, which lasts for several days (it varies based on where you live).
- Curriculum connection:
- 4.3.1 Appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta: cultural identity, respect diversity in language/culture identity/history and views - Suggested use:
- This article is useful to read as a class when Eid is approaching. This promotes representation in your class and allows students who celebrate Eid to have a voice
- This article can be used to highlight what Eid is and how it is celebrated
- This can also be used to highlight Eid can be celebrated differently - Accessibility:
- Accessible for nonverbal, hard of hearing
- Additional accommodations required for visually impaired students